You are currently viewing 18 July 2023: Gorilla’s ride to Thirlmere
18 July 2023: Gorilla's ride to Thirlmere Start

18 July 2023: Gorilla’s ride to Thirlmere

18 July 2023: Gorilla's ride to Thirlmere - Loco Pies
18 July 2023: Gorilla’s ride to Thirlmere – Loco Pies

I arrived at the at the same time as Paul and Maxine on their Goldwing and we were the first to arrive, strange day no TT on the famous FJR. After fueling up some more riders started pulling in. At ride time we had ten bikes and twelve riders eager to be out on such a beautiful day. Where are we going was the call, I said I had to be back early and volunteered to lead a ride to Thirlmere, done!

Out for the day were:

Keith Gorilla Tiger GT Explorer
Paul and Maxine Honda Goldwing
Andrew BMW 1000s
Matt Suzuki GSX
Gerry Bullfrog BMW 
Kev Big Kev Suzuki 
Brad Red BMW 800 GT
Col Colonel BMW 800 GT
Owen and Leslie Tiger Tiger
Dennis Smokey Bear BMW GS


We headed down the OPH to Appin Road and through Broughton Pass and into Bingara Gorge to join Picton Road. From here it was into Picton and then we turned onto Barkers Lodge Road then Mowbray Park Road and into Thirlmere from the west. We parked up and headed to Loop Line Pies for our morning tea stop.

18 July 2023: Gorilla's ride to Thirlmere Finish
18 July 2023: Gorilla’s ride to Thirlmere Finish

After a very enjoyable break we headed off. I thought we were all together but unfortunately, I was wrong and Big Kev had some mechanical problems and he and Gerry (TEC) were left behind. We noticed their absence at Picton and pulled over and waited for a while but no sighting so off we headed over Razorback, Douglas Park and back home via Broughton Pass and Appin Road and OPH. It was one of those days where riders were dropping off with other things to do and by the time, we got back to Heathcote there were five riders to say our farewells.

Another good day out and it was terrific to have a couple of pillions and new members join us.

Cheers, Keith