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4th June 2024: The Oaks

The day was a bit cool to start with, Winter is with us, but still a good turnout with 13 bikes and 2 beautiful pillions to complement the dapper riders. Okay, we were all rugged up with neck socks and heavy jackets with helmets to a point whereby you couldn’t even see our faces. We weren’t surprised when Keith Shrek Ryan discovered a slow leak in his front tyre as he’s always getting punctures, nor when Brad turned up with 3 minutes to go, but it’s normally only 1 minute to go so he thought he was early! A quick discussion and The Oaks was our destination.

OHP, Appin Rd, Douglas Park, Finns Rd (and as per usual a HWP car conducting revenue collection) Cawdor Rd across to Mt Hunter, Bob’s Range Rd, on into The Oaks. Shrek had left us by this time to fix his tyre. The bakery was busy but it’s always a good spot for a coffee and cake. As we were about to head off the Eastern Creek Branch arrived in town for a lunch at The Oaks Pub. 

It was noted that Slim Jim Allison was with the Eastern Creek crew. We are awaiting a report on what the Pub meals were like as a possible future destination. Back home via Picton and Appin Rd.  Keith Gorilla Moyle led us on this adventure of about 230 klms and had us home for lunch. A good ride, nice coffee and great companions. About as good as it gets.

Rob T – Tunnels.