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5th June 2023: Whisper’s Cruiser/Coffee Ride

5th June 2023: Whisper’s Cruiser/Coffee Ride

After assurance from B O M that Monday would be fine [well they said it could be fine but then it could be wet ]

It was dry when I left home till I reached Loftus then a drizzle which got progressively worse .

Well we were wet so we might as well keep going .B O M said clouds approaching from the west so we should be ok if we go south .

Whether bureau also have trouble telling west from south.

The 3 Amigos turned up today Perry, Martin And John [that would make a good song title] decided Bundeena was a good option .

Our coffee break gave about 30 seconds of sun shine then rain again as we ventured home.

John (Whispers) Warren.