You are currently viewing 9th June 2024: Berry Bowling Club

9th June 2024: Berry Bowling Club

Eastern Creek Branch had sent an invite to our Branch to join them on a ride to Berry Bowling Club today. The idea was to join South Coast Branch for their monthly meeting followed by lunch at the Club.

President Bill and myself waited at the Ampol Heathcote for the Eastern Creek riders and joined them as they passed about 9:30am. The group now consisted of 12 bikes followed by others members in a car.

The trip was straight forward down the Highway to Berry with a short stop for a toilet break. Interestingly as well as mine there were 2 other Ex Police FJR1300as and a Royal Enfield among the cruisers on the ride.

We arrived at the Club just on 11am and signed in before grabbing a drink and joining the meeting. There were riders from other Branches and we were able to catch up with Craig Carfoot and Bob Howard. A rough headcount (as opposed to a count of rough heads) showed around 70 attending.
The meeting progressed with various South Coast Members giving verbal reports on rides over the last month and more discussions about membership and welfare support for member experiencing difficulties.

Phil from Wollondilly spoke about Historical Registrations as a means to increase Memberships.
We then adjourned to lunch with the Chinese menu satisfying most. The Club would make a good lunchtime destination for a ride on the days the kitchen is open.

After saying our goodbyes Bill and myself decided to take the same route home while others headed up Kangaroo Valley for the more scenic route.

It was interesting to see how another very active Club operates with the Ladies organizing Social lunches and shows while a number of Members take on individual Welfare duties to support those that need help.

Thanks to Tim & Jasmine for the invite!

Jim Allison