7th September 2024: Hawksbury 5 Ferries Ride
Today was Gorilla's Hawksbury 5 ferries ride, yes, we got to ride our motorcycles and had 5 ferry rides. Apart from our ride leader Gorilla, we had Seagull, Snapper Snee,…
Today was Gorilla's Hawksbury 5 ferries ride, yes, we got to ride our motorcycles and had 5 ferry rides. Apart from our ride leader Gorilla, we had Seagull, Snapper Snee,…
Posty Jim lead todays ride to Berry and Robertson. 9 riders plus pillion Leslie, we started with 8, but by the time we got to Bulli, we were being tailed,…
Finally, a cooler day, 10 riders turned up to enjoy this stunning day, everybody just stood about talking with nobody wanting to step up to lead the ride, I took…
Sunny morning with gusty winds predicted later in the day. Should be no problem to nine hardy riders who are prepared to get out of bed for an 8.00 start.…