You are currently viewing 10th Feb 2024: Glenbrook
10th Feb 2024: Glenbrook

10th Feb 2024: Glenbrook

10th Feb 2024: Glenbrook
10th Feb 2024: Glenbrook

Only three of us headed off via Heathcote Road then Camden Valley Way and Bringelly road to Mulgoa and GWH onto Glenbrook for a coffee break.

On the way home Tunnels opted for the M4 but Col and I ventured on some back roads choosing Silverdale Road at Wallacia and then Barkers Lodge Road into Picton.

Over Razorback for a stop in Appin then OPH home. A great day for riding, overcast with only a very few spots of rain.

Big week for the Colonel went on every club ride this week with two as ride leader, great effort!

Keith Moyle