You are currently viewing 20th May 2023: Pirate’s Ride to Western Sydney Airport

20th May 2023: Pirate’s Ride to Western Sydney Airport

Pirate's Ride to Western Sydney AirportThe thought process here is “if you ride through western Sydney traffic either you’re mad – or there is a substantial reward for effort”. And so it is with today’s ride that goes from Menai through the crowded roads of south-western Sydney to the still-to-be-born Western Sydney International Airport. The reward is seeing the new airport taking shape and hearing what she has in store for the future.

It’s just a gorgeous Sydney Saturday. Pretty cold for May – but the skies are clear and the sun is shining. What a great riding day. I heard on the radio it was 3 degrees at 6.30am at Camden. But at Menai 7-11 it’s a warm and welcoming 9 degrees at 9am.

We have a group of 11 – and so I launch into the pre-ride rundown – just in case anyone gets left behind. You remember that Get Smart episode (several in fact) where the instructions are given – and Max says as only Max can – “ Ah – can you repeat that bit after “Good Morning”. That’s how it was here. But – hey – as long as SOMEONE knows the route then we’ll be OK.

The route? Oh – OK – from here we go to Heathcote Rd all the way to Wattlegrove then turn left onto ANZAC Rd. Follow then turn left on Moorebank Rd and marvel at the port they’re building coz I remember 5 years ago when it was bush. Into Glenfield, over the bridge, on Glenfield Rd and right at Campbelltown Rd and left onto Camden Valley Way – all the way to Bringelly Rd. On Bringelly rd we turn right on Brown Rd then left and rights until we get onto Edmondson Ave. Left at 15th and follow all the way through to turn left on Ramsay Rd – past the temple then back on Bringelly Rd. So – go on – what’s so hard about that? Max? Max? Max – wake up. “Sorry about that Chief”. Hey – did anyone else have a thing for 99? Or did you just stop at “I Dream of Jeannie”?

So – that was the route we followed and both Wills and Col did sterling service as TECs. In fact Keith’s Triumph failed to proceed on Camden Valley Way just before Cowpasture Rd. Radio comms meant we could pull over and wait. The Triumph, after Keith tickled her under her heated bars, started again fairly quickly. Well – wouldn’t you if someone tickled YOUR heated bars?

By the time we re-enter Bringelly Rd after the ride through Rossmore we were running late. So we forgo Greendale Rd and head straight to a new venue for the club – the Lunden House cafe at Luddenham. Heads up, guys. It’s terrific. Corner of Willmington and Blaxland, Luddenham. We arrive at the pre-notified 10.15 and we have a booking at Western Sydney International at 11.15. Perfect timing.

We down some (very good) coffee and (also very good) bacon and egg rolls. Ian specially orders a custard tart out of respect for our dear 250Ron. We’re thinking of you, Ronnie. Fed and caffeined we leave by 11.05 and ride the short hop to the Western Sydney International (WSI) airport where we have a guide take us through a presentation and answer questions. We now know all about the initial one runway plan – with a second runway in the longer term. No curfew. But also no easy transport to Sydney city. Come on, Australia!!!! Really. We have a metro to take passengers to St Mary’s – which clearly is the central tourist mecca for NSW. But NO direct rail into Sydney. For goodness sake. Are we as a nation serious about this?????

Anyway – the tour was great – and the difference in the site since we were last there 2 years ago is very very significant. Very impressive.

After all that Keith Ryan says farewell as he heads north to see his rels while the rest of the troupe heads back through Luddenham again the down Park Rd to Wallacia and then onto Greendale Rd.

The route home from there is standard Sydney traffic. Ho hum. I hate traffic lights. Thanks to everyone for joining the fun today. I’m enjoying my new ride and, as always, enjoying the company of my mates in our club.

Hey – special mention to Chris Larmer who joined us today. Great stuff, Chris! So good to get you back on club rides.

Cheers all. Pirate.