You are currently viewing 3 July 2023: Whispers Monday Coffee Ride
3 July 2023: Whispers Monday Coffee Ride - Me, myself and I

3 July 2023: Whispers Monday Coffee Ride

I was waiting at Loftus oval, overcast conditions but no rain predicted.

8.00 had come and gone, but no starters, so me, myself and I headed down the coast.

So off I went, me being ride leader, myself being the group and I, being tail end Charlie.

No choices to make so I headed down the usual O P H, Bulli Pass to Bulli Beach Cafe. A nice quiet coffee and then back the coast rd.

I decided after much discussion, to call into Bald Hill for another coffee, but the café closed, so back through the park. Only passed one blue light but a mobile camera was set up at Audley opposite the toll gate to RNP

John Whispers Warren