You are currently viewing 3rd Oct 2023: Cordeaux Caffeine

3rd Oct 2023: Cordeaux Caffeine

We were generally in agreement that since today was going to be a return to the scorching heat we should not venture too far and preferably nearer to the coast, although beachside would be packed being school holidays.

Once a destination is suggested it apparently means you’re it. So having suggested Cordeaux Caffeine via Mt Kiera I finished up leading for a short run down south with a stopover at Mt Kiera Lookout.

When I rang the café they said no problem fitting in our group of 10 riders although they had other group bookings at 11am if we could work with that?

As luck would have it we were stuck behind a van as we left the Lookout to descend Mt Kiera. Eventually, he pulled over to let us pass and we made our way through the traffic at the bottom, arriving at the café around 10:10 am.

We were fed and watered well before 11am and 8 of us returned via Mt Kembla, unfortunately getting stuck behind another car for most of the way to the Freeway. Two riders had opted to return via the coast roads- smart move!

By the time we reached Heathcote the temperature had hit 33 degrees and TT was keen to get home and jump in his pool- good idea John!

So, a short trip with good company. I hadn’t ridden Tuesdays for a bit so it was good to meet Andrew and Steve, two of our newer members.

Thanks everybody-

Jim Allison