19 June 2023: Whispers’s Coffee Ride

Too good a day to be a Monday, how is the BOM arranging this .

8.00 about 5 degrees but that’s no problem for a Ulyssian . A ride to Picton was chosen . 4 starters Brian [salty], Jim [slim], John[whispers] and Perry.

The temperature dropping when crossing the weir down in the valley the ground was covered in frost and when arriving at Picton and sitting in the sun the temp didn’t improve .

Trembling hands resulted in spilt coffee but bacon and egg rolls helped a little but after a short chat session it was decided to mount up and head home.

Perry, slim ,salty returned via Picton Rd and Hume hwy and I headed over Razor back to a mates place at Bringelly who had a windscreen for me to try .

Successfully fitted he also had a set of reinehart pipes which I couldn’t resist, look good sound better. Home for lunch.

John[whispers] Warren.