You are currently viewing 26 July 2023: Bangor Beer Banter & Bull$#!^ Counselling Lunch
26 July 2023: Bangor Beef Banter & Bull$#!^ Counselling Lunch

26 July 2023: Bangor Beer Banter & Bull$#!^ Counselling Lunch

26 July 2023: Bangor Beef Banter & Bull$#!^ Counselling Lunch
26 July 2023: Bangor Beef Banter & Bull$#!^ Counselling Lunch

Lots away and on holidays overseas but we still managed 18 participants, with the LONG table one only hears the close conversations but I can assure you it sure is a Talkfest. Those near me included

  1. Tex Morton in hospital getting a pacemaker.
  2. Budapest to Amsterdam cruises.
  3. The saveloy boys (you know who I mean) need a BIGGER THERMOS.
  4. The benefits of $30 tyre pressure monitors.
  5. More worried talk about riding/driving tests for older members.
  6. Nicknames and who need recognition, some a surprise.
  7. Grandkids and how they have different outlooks and priorities compared to us OLDER generation.
  8. After Prostate lecture what the real after effects are after operation.
26 July 2023: Bangor Beef Banter & Bull$#!^ Counselling Lunch
26 July 2023: Bangor Beef Banter & Bull$#!^ Counselling Lunch

The new look Tavern is a much nicer place has made a great difference. Stumps up, The stragglers about 3pm. Hope to see you again next month on the last Wednesday.

Nippy Norm Syme